Raising funds for rehabilitation for MAX SHUMAKER

10 years

Moderate mental retardation.

Required: 7 500 ₴
Raised: 0 ₴

Max, his mother and older brother moved to Dnipro from Mariupol. Kiddo helps the family solve many issues: food, hygiene, clothing, and most importantly – a comprehensive treatment approach. From 01.08. the boy is currently undergoing a course of neurocorrective and speech therapy classes.

Work with the boy is carried out in the following directions:
1. Sensorimotor development (vestibular and proprioceptor stimulation; development of motor dexterity (switching between motor programs); development of visual-motor coordination; development of fine motor skills; development of bilateral coordination and interball interaction.
2. Development of images of ideas, in particular spatial ideas, body image and others.
3. Development of self-regulation and arbitrariness.
4. Speech development (normalization of the tone of the articulation apparatus; production of sounds; development of the constituent structure of the word; development of the lexical-grammatical structure of the language; development of free expression.

It was difficult for Max to withstand the school program in remote classes, he tried to refute the goal at the first difficulties, but thanks to rehabilitation, a there is positive dynamics in the boy’s development. With the right approach, Maxim agrees to the instruction and carries it out. Visual-spatial perception, attention, memory and thinking processes have improved. Max is an inquisitive, restless boy. He needs constant classes that will give one hundred percent results.

*By making a payment through the LiqPay system, you consent to the use of funds for other projects of the Fund, in the event of the closure of this collection or its loss of relevance.

**When making a transfer through the LiqPay system, the bank commission is 2.75% of the payment amount

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