During a difficult birth, both Artem and his mother were saved.
At the age of 1 month, the boy began to have convulsions. It turned out that a 1 cm pseudocyst had formed in the brain due to birth complications. They were treated, cured, and by the age of 3 they had forgotten about the problems, not counting speech delays.
At the age of 3, a diagnosis of Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction Syndrome was made, and treatment was immediately started. Artem is currently registered at a dispensary with a diagnosis of Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction Syndrome, asyeno-neurotic syndrome on a residual background, and neurogenic bladder dysfunction.
The main diagnosis affects memory – the boy cannot partially remember information; on speech – does not speak very well; for food – he cannot eat many products. Artem is under the supervision of a neurologist, who constantly prescribes treatment courses.
Also, Artem’s vision has deteriorated, one eye -2.
If the physical load increases even a little, the boy immediately reacts to this by worsening his general condition.
At the same time, Artem is a very cheerful and active child, kind and cheerful. He likes to go hiking with his dad. He understands dinosaurs well, and when he grows up, he dreams of becoming a paleontologist.
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