Rodion needs our help to breathe and live! We are opening an important fundraising to help Rodion Pavlov, who cannot breathe on his own.

The boy was born completely healthy, as were two other brothers from the TRIPLE. But clinical death occurred on the 7th day. Doctors managed to save Rodion. He lagged behind his brothers in development, and the boy was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
In January 2017, laryngospasm was added.
Due to muscle weakness, Rodion cannot breathe fully and cannot clear his throat on his own. Any viral infection for Rodion ended with resuscitation and connection to a ventilator.
The Kiddo Foundation has been helping the boy since the very beginning, we went through resuscitation and rehabilitation stages together.

In 2022, the family had to go abroad because of the war. Rodiochyk spent most of the time there in the hospital, he underwent spinal surgery, hoping that he would get better, but his condition only worsened.
He completely stopped breathing on his own. Five times he was connected to a ventilator, but relief did not come. It was decided to put a tracheostomy. But since that time, Rodion cannot do without oxygen at all.

That is, the child is completely dependent on the work of the concentrator – he cannot leave the house, visit a hospital or a rehabilitation center, not to mention the possibility of returning to Ukraine again. Rodion can breathe on his own for only three minutes.
Therefore, we are opening a fundraising for the purchase of a PORTABLE OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR, which can be taken with him in the car, to a medical institution and simply to take the child out into the fresh air.

So, let’s work together to help this boy who really wants to breathe and LIVE!

The total amount of the fee is 42,183 hryvnias (this is a portable concentrator, a battery for it and a suction device).