Fundraising for the rehabilitation of Sannikova Alisa

6 years

Хронічна сенсорна приглуховатість, глухота 4 ступеня.

Required: 12 000 ₴
Raised: 0 ₴

This is our Alice! Cheerful, sociable girl, mother’s assistant. Alice has a disability (chronic sensorineural hearing loss, deafness of the 4th degree). At the age of 2, Alice had her first cochlear implant, and a year later a second implant was placed. The girl’s development has skyrocketed!

The war in Ukraine had a great impact on the family, and on Alisa. The family had to leave their home in Lysychansk and move to Dnipro. The girl’s mother asked for help in solving the issue of her daughter’s behavior and language problem. Alice developed a strong negativism.

In order for a girl to keep up with her peers in development, she needs daily classes. From September 16, 2022 to the present, Alisa is undergoing a course of psychological and neurocorrective classes. Classes with a psychologist and a speech therapist take place after joint control is established. Alice completes tasks, needs stimulation, uses assistance, and follows simple instructions. Cognitive interest has improved significantly. The behavior became less disturbing and our girl started talking!

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