CLOSED! Kazakova Olga

21 year

Cystic fibrosis with pancreatic insufficiency, secondary cardiomyopathy

Required: 30 000 ₴
Raised: 0 ₴

At the age of 1.9, Ola was diagnosed with: cystic fibrosis with pancreatic insufficiency, secondary cardiomyopathy. Heavy current. After treatment, “Creon” was prescribed as replacement therapy.

Improvements have appeared. But in 2007 at a routine examination, an X-ray showed right-sided upper lobe pneumonia. Olenka was treated again, but as a result, atelectase (falling of a lobe of the lung) was formed in this place, which could only be removed with the help of bronchoscopy (under general anesthesia). It was necessary to do 3-4 such procedures, but cardiologists could not dare to do it, because Ola has heart failure, and general anesthesia has its own risks.

It is necessary to inject antibiotics for a month in a hospital, and then for 3 months at home. If the disease worsens, the girl’s breathing is disturbed and Olya begins to suffocate.

Oli’s mother, Valentina: “Unless you learn about the threat to life, you will never truly appreciate it. We appreciate every day we live. Every moment is a real Miracle! Even now, living in the hospital for a whole month and enduring 4 drips and up to 10 injections, we do not lose heart, we leave with a smile and great hope for the future! In 2014, we first turned to BF Kiddo for help, who heard us and took us under his care, helps with the purchase of drugs, invites us to various entertainment activities, interested in Oli’s life. We are very happy to have you with us! We couldn’t have done it without you… Thank you!

Olya constantly needs to take expensive drugs prescribed for anti-relapse treatment: Pulmozym, Colomycin, Tobramycin, Meronem, Tsifoperazone, Sumamed, Ciprofloxacin, Ursofalk.

You can help a girl with an orphan disease and extend her life!

*By making a payment through the LiqPay system, you consent to the use of funds for other projects of the Fund, in the event of the closure of this collection or its loss of relevance.

**When transferring in the LiqPay system, the bank commission is 2.75% of the payment amount

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